Chicago, Chapman Brothers
Morgan County IL
(reprinted by the Jacksonville Area Genealogical and Historical Society, 1984)

SAMPLE, JOHN T., the son of a pioneer of Morgan County, David Sample, is pursuing agriculture in his native township, with the success that is due to his unflagging industry and skillful management. He has a good farm on section 24, township 16, range 10, which, with its numerous fine improvements, and its broad, well tilled fields that smile with abundant harvests in the pleasant summer and autumn months, compares with the best in this locality.

The father of our subject was a son of John Sample, a native of Kentucky, where he himself was born. His parents were in poor circumstances and he early became independent and self reliant, and made his own way in the world from a youthful age. IN 1830, ever memorable to the pioneers of this part of Illinois as the "winter of the deep snow," he made his way to Morgan County, and cast in his lot with the few settlers that had preceded him, and has ever since made his home here, and is now living in township 16, range 10.

John Sample, of this biographical review was born in this township, in November, 1856, and here he received the foundation of his education in the local district schools, and supplemented it by a course at the County Schools. He had a natural taste for agriculture, and when he arrived at years of discretion chose it as his life work, and has ever since pursued it with marked success. His farm comprises 244 acres of as fertile farming land as is to be found in this part of Morgan County, and admirably adapted to mixed husbandry, and well stocked with cattle, horses, and hogs of good breeds.

Oct. 13, 1875, the marriage of our subject with Miss Harriet Cox was duly solemnized. Mrs. Sample is a daughter of Charles Cox. (For parental history see sketch of Hardin Cox, on another page of this volume). She was born in Morgan County, Ill. In the happy home of our subject and his wife, two children have been born to them, Bertha L. and Charles C.

Mr. Sample brings a well balanced, well-trained mind to his chosen calling, and is indeed classed among the most active and intelligent of the young men of this precinct. He is high minded and honorable, is exemplary in his habits, and enjoys an enviable reputation both as a man and a citizen. He and his wife are among the most zealous and valued members of the Baptist Church, of which he is a Deacon.

WILLIAM H. SARGENT, a veteran of the late Civil War, in which he won an honorable record as a faithful soldier who never failed in his duty, but fought bravely and faced the foe unflinchingly on many a hardly_contested battle_field, is now quietly and successfully carrying on agricultural pursuits in this, his native county. He devotes himself principally to buying and shipping stock and to raising fruit. He has a vineyard of about twelve acres of choice varieties of grapes, a fine orchard of apples, plums, cherries, etc., and has all kinds of small fruits.

William H. Sargent is a son of James B. and Mary J. (Carter) Sargent, a pioneer family of Morgan County, now living in Bethel. John Sargent, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, where he married and reared a family of seven girls and three boys, and there their mother died. The father of our subject was the ninth child in the family, and after he had reached man's estate he started out in the world afoot and alone in 1833, and made a pedestrian tour to the wilds of this part of the country, having no money to come by boat. When he arrived at the little settlement in Eastport, he had only a "bit" left of his small stock of cash, and he was glad to replenish his capital by making a pair of slippers for a gentleman to wear at his wedding. After working in that place a few days at his trade of a shoemaker, he resumed his journey and arrived in this part of Morgan County, where he obtained work on a farm. By industry and frugality he soon managed to make money and to lay up enough to warrant him in venturing on the sea of matrimony, and he was united in marriage to Miss Mary J., daughter of John Carter. Their union has been blessed to them by the birth of nine children: John W.; William H.; Martha C., the widow of Enoch Reinhart, now living in Missouri; James C.; Henry B., Elizabeth, now the wife of James Reed, of Whitehall, Ill.; Richard; Charles; Lincoln, deceased.

Our subject was reared in this county, and was educated in the schools of Jacksonville, he having been a pupil in the first school taught in the 2nd ward in that city, Ezend Henderson being the teacher. In the fall of 1861 he resolved to throw aside all personal aims and ambitions, and go forth from his home to the assistance of his countrymen on Southern battlefields and aid them in their endeavor to save the honor of the old flag, and with that patriotic purpose he enlisted in Company B. 10th Illinois Cavalry. He did good service with his regiment in several engagements with the enemy, but was finally disabled by the bushwhackers, near Sand Springs, Mo., two shots taking effect in his left thigh. After a short time he rejoined his regiment at Jefferson City, and in a fight with the enemy at that point he received five more wounds, which again prostrated him for a time, and although he once more went into active service, he was compelled to abandon military life, and return to his home a wreck of his former self, he having been a man of strong, robust physique. When his health was partly restored he became connected with the omnibus line in Jacksonville, and continued in that business for some years after the war. He then turned his attention to agriculture, and has his forty_acre farm on section 33, township 16, range 10, under fine cultivation, every acre capable of producing a rich return in payment for the care that he bestows on its proper tillage. Fifteen acres of the farm is devoted to fruits, and Mr. Sargent has made this branch of horticulture very profitable.

The marriage of Mr. Sargent to Miss Elizabeth F. Benjamin was duly solemnized in the fall of 1860, and has been to them one of happiness. Mrs. Sargent's parents, Charles and Mary (Ratliff) Benjamin, were early settlers here. Her father served five years in the regular army on the frontier, and was in the Mexican War. After his discharge he came here, and was subsequently married. Eleven children have been born into the pleasant home of our subject and his amiable wife, as follows: William S.; James, deceased; Mary married James Hull and is deceased; two children died in infancy; Nettie, now Mrs. Starkey Baldwin; Edward; Benjamin, deceased; Minnie; Rhoda; Logan Blaine.

Mr. Sargent's whole course through life, from the time of his enlistment in the early days of the late war to the present time, shows him to be an intensely patriotic citizen, and one who is thoroughly to be relied on in all cases. He is a man of sound sense and clear understanding, always honorable and straightforward in his dealings. He votes as he fought, for the principles of the Republican party. He has a sincerely religious nature, and with his wife is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

HON. JOE D. SAWYERS, M.D., a graduate of three different medical colleges, occupies the position of a leading practitioner of medicine and surgery in Scott County, where he commands a fine patronage, and has fully established himself in the esteem and confidence of the people. He has been a close student and an extensive reader, and has traveled a great deal through the Western States and territories. Since choosing his profession it has been his aim to excel therein, and he has reason to be proud of what he has been enabled to accomplish in this direction. Politically, he is a Democrat of the first water, and was elected to the Illinois Legislature in the fall of 1887, in which he served with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents.

Dr. Sawyers was born April 10, 1851, at his father's homestead near the bluffs in Oxville Precinct, and remained on the farm until a lad of fifteen years. The next three years he was in the West, and in 1869 set out for Prescott, Arizona Territory, where he engaged in teaming and mining in different parts of the Territory, and traveled through the two Mexicos and both the Upper and Lower California, being most of the time with wagon trains and on horseback. He also visited Texas and Colorado, and had some experience with hostile Indians, who at one time killed a number of men of his train. He journeyed through Idaho, Montana, Dakota, Washington and Oregon; was in the Black Hills and Central City gold mines; indeed has been in every State and Territory west of the Mississippi with the exception of Arkansas.

Dr. Sawyers in the fall of 1872 returned to Oxville and attended school two winters. Afterward he worked on the farm and employed his leisure time in studying medicine, for which he always had a great liking. The year following he entered Bennett Medical College at Chicago, from which he was graduated in spring of 1875, with the honors of his class. He began the practice of his profession in Oxville, where he remained until 1881 and then resumed his studies in a medical college at St. Louis, from which he was graduated with honor in the class of 1882. He then resumed practice in Oxville until the year following, when he repaired to Cincinnati and practiced there for a time, finally returning to his native place.

Dr. Sawyers now engaged in agricultural pursuits, operating a farm of 130 acres in connection with his father's homestead. In the meantime he kept himself well posted upon the political affairs of the country, and in the spring of 1886 was made the candidate of the Democratic party in this county for the State Legislature. He was elected by a large majority, and after repairing to the capital served on various committees, namely: State Institutions, Soldiers' Home, and License, and introduced many useful measures which were adopted by his colleagues.

JOHN SCHOFIELD. Worthy among the citizens of Scott County, who, though not its earliest settlers, may claim the distinction of being classed among its pioneers, as they have developed fine farms from prairies that thirty or more years ago were wild and uncultivated, stands the subject of this brief life_record, whom we are pleased to represent in this BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. By thrift and good management he has accumulated a competence that enables him and his estimable wife to pass their declining years in the plenty and comfort of a cosy home. His farm, now comprising 240 acres of arable, highly productive land, finely located in Winchester Township, is well provided with substantial buildings and everything needful for carrying on agriculture successfully. Mr. Schofield also owns 160 acres of fine farming land in Stafford County, Kan.

Our subject was born in England in the early part of this century, being the youngest of the four children in the family of Samuel and Mary (Wheeler) Schofield, natives, respectively, of Morley, Yorkshire, and London, England. The father was a non_commissioned officer in the British army, and died in 1813, while yet in the prime of life. John received a very limited education, and at an early age was bound out to a distant relative of his father, with whom he stayed until he was nineteen, employed mostly in working on a farm. He then bought a loom and began the business of weaving broadcloth, and was profitably engaged at that the ensuing three years. His next venture was to open a general store, and he also managed that very successfully, building up a good paying trade, and carrying it on until he came to America, marrying in the meantime and establishing a home. Although he was doing well our subject wanted to do better and decided to try his fortunes in the United States, and in 1848 he came here, accompanied by his family, and landed in New York about the time of the return of Gen. Scott from the Mexican War, and had the pleasure of seeing the conquering hero. As soon as he could our subject started for the West, and in Lynnville, Ill., engaged to work on a farm for Jeremiah Hurd, a countryman of his, stayed with him three months and then returned to the village of Lynnville, and purchasing a house and lot, rented some land and engaged in farming for himself. In 1857 he bought his present homestead, or eighty acres of it, built a house and began clearing the land. He had but few neighbors here then and some of them were rough and lawless. He has been very much prospered in his undertakings, as we have seen in the opening paragraph of this biographical review of his life. We will now devote a few lines to his domestic life.

Our subject has been twice married. The first time in 1833, in Morley, England, to Elizabeth, daughter, of John C. and Rebecca Westerman, of that place. This wife of his early manhood did not long survive her transplantation to American soil, but died in 1849, a year after leaving the old English home. The three children who were born of that marriage are all now dead. Mr. Schofield was married to his present wife in 1851, and six children have been born to them, four of whom are living: Walter, the eldest, a resident of Morgan County, was born Feb. 13, 1855, and he married Eliza, daughter of David Tuke, of Morgan County; Edward, who resides in Morgan County, was born May 23, 1857, married Fanny Tuke, and they have three children; George, living in Morgan County, was born Sept. 27, 1858, married Eliza Schofield, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Schofield, of Morgan County, and they have three children; Fletcher, born Dec. 13, 1862, is unmarried, and lives at home with his parents.

Our subject comes of a stalwart, long_lived family, his maternal grandfather living to be one hundred and three years old, and is himself enjoying good mental and physical health, although fourscore years have whitened his head, and he bids fair to reach the century mark. He has never been sick but once, when he had an attack of typhoid fever, and has never known what a headache is. Mrs. Schofield is also gifted with a fine constitution, although she has not been entirely free from sickness, and is now in robust health and very active for one of her years. Mr. Schofield has a cheerful, genial disposition, that neither time nor trial has soured and he has many warm and close friendships in this community, where so much of his life has been passed. He is kind and considerate in his dealings with others, and does all that he can to aid the needy and unfortunate. He has devoted himself so closely to his calling as to have but little time for public life, excepting that he has served as School Director and Road Overseer. He pays but little attention to politics, but at the polls votes the Democratic ticket. Although not connected with any church he is religiously inclined, believes in God and the Bible, and tries to do his whole duty. Mrs. Schofield is a devoted and exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

AUGUST H. SCHWIEGER. The enterprising German citizen is to be found all over the West, and in other parts of the United States, pushing his way to the front, and almost without exception, industrious and well_to_do. His descendants have lost nothing by being American_born, and have united with the traits of their substantial ancestry, the adventurous and progressive qualities distinguishing the people of a country which leads the world, and we find among them some of our most reliable and responsible citizens. They have contributed their full share to the development of the rich resources of Illinois, and in Morgan County have particularly illustrated their worth in all the walks of life.

The subject of this sketch is the son of Frederick and Louisa (Muller) Schwieger, who were natives of Germany, and who emigrated to America in 1853. They settled in Erie County, N.Y., where the father died two years later, in 1855. In the meantime August H., our subject, had been born in the city of Buffalo, Dec. 2, 1853. His mother after the death of her husband, was married to Mr. Henry Pruss. When our subject was a boy thirteen years, leaving the vicinity of Buffalo, where he had spent his early life, he sent with his mother and step_father to Muscatine County, Iowa. They took up a tract of land from which they constructed a good homestead. The mother is still living in Carroll County, Iowa.

After a sojourn of eight years in the Hawkeye State, Mr. Schwieger recrossed the Father of waters, and coming to this county, was thereafter employed as a farm laborer by the month for five or six years. With genuine German prudence and forethought, he had saved what he could of his earnings, and in the spring of 1882, purchased 160 acres of land in township 14, range 10, that which constitutes his present homestead. Since that time he has given his close attention to the improvement of his property, and the cultivation of the soil. He has erected a good house with a barn, and the other necessary structures, and has established a most pleasant home. He operates considerably as a stock_dealer, and is in the enjoyment of a comfortable income.

While a resident of Illinois, Mr. Schwieger was married at Springfield, Jan. 2, 1879, to Mrs. Sophia Wahl. This lady was born in Germany, about 1840, and came to America with her husband, Mr. Wahl, when twenty_four years old. At the time of her marriage to Mr. Schwieger, she was the widow of John L. Wahl. Both she and her husband are members in good standing of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Schwieger, politically, is a supporter of Democratic principles, but as may be readily understood, has very little time to give to public matters. He is a man prompt to meet his obligations, and occupies a good position socially and financially in his community.

SYLVANUS SCOTT. This well-to-do citizen, the son of Eneas Scott, who is represented elsewhere in this work, is established on a good farm of 120 acres, occupying a part of section 34, township 14, range 9. He carries on general agriculture, and has about him all the conveniences and appliances of a well-regulated country estate. He is an upright and reliable citizen, a sound Democrat politically, and a man who prefers to give his best efforts to his farm and his family than to mingle with the turmoil of public life.

Our subject was born Sept. 14, 1842, in Elizabeth, N.J., and came with his parents to this county in 1854, when a lad of twelve years. They settled in township 14, range 9, where the father carries on farming. Sylvanus was reared to man's estate under the home roof, and was married June 9, 1869, to Miss Elizabeth Dodsworth, a lady of English birth and parentage, who emigrated to America with her parents in 1854, they settling in this county. Mr. Dodsworth is now deceased, and his widow was subsequently married to Dawson Darley, who is also deceased, and Mrs. Darley occupies the old homestead in township 14, range 10. To the parents of Mrs. Scott there were born two children - Elizabeth and Thomas.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Scott were named respectively: Edward D., Sarah L., Gilbert W., Ira Eneas, Rhoda H., Winfield W., Annie and Alfred E. Mrs. Scott is a member in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Durbin and both our subject and his wife enjoy the friendship of a large circle of acquaintances. They have a pleasant home and everything to make life comfortable and desirable.

ENEAS SCOTT, a leading land owner of this county, a fine portrait of whom is to be found on the opposite page, has the warrantee deed to 612 acres, all of which is under a good state of cultivation, and upon which he transacts a general farming business. He makes a specialty of stock-raising, and keeps a goodly assortment of horses, cattle, swine and sheep. He also raises each year a large quantity of grain and other products common to the Prairie State. Personally, he is a fine old English gentleman, master of all the courtesies peculiar to his nationality, and is a man who, from an humble beginning in life, has attained to a high position, socially and financially, by hard work and good management. He is one of those whom the biographer loves to meet, as illustrating what may be accomplished by a steady course of industry and those sterling qualities of character which invariable elevate a man in the estimation of his fellow-citizens.

Sommersetshire, England, was the early tramping ground of our subject, and there his birth took place June 25, 1813. His father, Jonas Scott, of Sommersetshire, was born in 1780, and lived there until 1816. He then emigrated to America, shipping on a sailing vessel from Liverpool, and after an ocean voyage of twelve weeks landed in New York City. Thence, accompanied by his family he proceeded to New Jersey, and settled about fifteen miles from New York City, on a farm. There the parents spent the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1848 and the mother in 1857. The latter was, in her girlhood, Miss Catherine Bond, also a native of Sommersetshire, and born in 1785. Both father and mother were laid to rest in Newark Cemetery, on the banks of Passaic River.

The parents family of our subject comprised four children, viz: Charles, Jonas, Asenath and Eneas. Charles married Miss Williams, of New Jersey, and is now deceased; they had two children - Charles and Adam; the widow remains a resident of Newark. Jonas came to the West, married a Miss Carlisle, of this county, and by her became the father of two children - Ezra and Mary; the first wife died, and he was then married to a Miss Grimsley; they live in Jacksonville, and he occupies himself as a carpenter, although he also owns a farm. Asenath became the wife of Richard Jacovis, a mason and bricklayer; they have three children - John, Pierson and Elijah; the wife is deceased.

Our subject received a limited education, and lived in New Jersey, until reaching man's estate. He was there married to Miss Anna Garrison, of Trenton, who became the mother of two children - George and ENEAS G., and who died in 1840. The son George married Phebe Taylor, of this county, and is occupied as a dairyman in Norfolk, Va.; he is the father of nine children. ENEAS G. married Jane Smallwood, of DeWitt County, Ill., and is farming in Vernon County, Mo.; they have six children.

ENEAS Scott was a second time married, Nov. 20, 1841, to Miss Lois Hand, of New Jersey, and there were born to them five children, of whom the record is as follows: Sylvanus married Lydia Dodsworth, and is farming in this county; they have eight children - Edward, Sally, Rhoda, Gilbert, Ira, Winifred, Anna and Fred. Anna married William Dalton, of this county, but now farming in Vernon County, Mo.; they have three children - Hattie, Lois and Samuel. Johnny married Fannie Favord, of Philadelphia, and occupies a part of the homestead; they have three children - Thomas Jewel and Minnie. Evaline became the wife of David Rawlings, a farmer of this county, and they have four children - Henry, Grace, Nellie and Arthur. Horton H. married Katie Dodsworth, of this county; they have no children.

Mr. Scott, when approaching manhood, learned the trade of a shoemaker, which he followed six years, and after that was employed in a foundry for a period of twenty years. Ten years of this time he was foreman in a Cincinnati establishment. In 1856 he resolved to change his location and occupation, and coming to this county, invested the money he had earned by the labor of his hands in 200 acres of partially improved land. He was prospered in his operations as a tiller of the soil, and added to his real estate by degrees until he attained to his present broad possessions. Mr. Scott is not a member of any religious organization, but endeavors to do by his neighbors as he would have them do by him. He is a Democrat, politically, and belongs to the Masonic Fraternity and the I. O. O. F. His life has been passed quietly and unobtrusively, and aside from holding the township offices, he has mingled very little in public affairs. Notwithstanding this, he is widely known throughout this county, and is held in universal respect.

JONIE SCOTT, who is pleasantly located in township 14, range 9, and on section 28, occupies a prominent position among the leading farmers of Morgan County, wherein he is very popular. He has a snug little farm of eighty acres, improved with good buildings, and which constitutes one of the most attractive homes in this section of the country. Wide-awake, industrious and energetic, Mr. Scott each year adds something to the beauty and value of his property, and each year becomes more useful to the community at large. He is a man more than ordinarily intelligent, and in his youth acquired the practical education which serves him for all ordinary purposes.

Our subject was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1854, is the son of Eneas and Lois Scott, who were natives of England and New Jersey, respectively, and are represented on another page of this volume. He was mostly in his youth, after leaving school, engaged in farming. When ready to establish a home of his own he was united in marriage with Miss Fanny Pavord, of Philadelphia. This lady is a native of England, and was born in 1856. Her parents were natives of England, and her father a tailor by trade. They came to America in 1861, and spent their last years in Philadelphia. Their family consisted of six children, all of whom are living, and with the exception of Mrs. Scott, are residents of Philadelphia, Pa.

The three children of our subject and his estimable wife were names respectively Thomas M., Jewel E. and Minnie L. The eldest is ten years old and the youngest three, and they will be given the training and education suited to their position in life. Mrs. Scott is a member in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and our subject, politically, gives his support to the Democratic party. He, however, confines his attention to his farming interests, and in addition to the raising of grain keeps a goodly assortment of horses, cattle and swine. He has hosts of friends who are watching his career with kindly interest and predict for him uniform prosperity.

JOHN E. SCOTT is a practical young farmer, who lives on section 22, township 15, range 11, and is the owner of a good farm of eighty acres, which possesses all the requisites of a well_improved place. He lives on the old homestead, and here has been his residence since he was five years old.

Mr. Scott was born in the township where he resides, on Aug. 14, 1847. His father, John Scott, was a native of Yorkshire, England, and came of British ancestry. he was the son of Zachariah Scott, who was also a native of Yorkshire, and who married Elizabeth Moody. After marriage, Zachariah Scott began life in Yorkshire as a farmer, and there all his children were born _ five sons. John Scott, his son, was fourteen years old when the entire family, in 1830, came to America, finding a home in Morgan County, Ill., where they purchased a quarter_section from the Government, which has belonged to the family since. Zachariah Scott lived and died on the farm he secured from Uncle Sam, being at the time of his death about forty_seven years of age. He was brought up under the teachings of the Church of England, and was well known as a good neighbor and a typical pioneer. His wife survived him about ten years, having died in 1847. She was then past fifty years of age. John Scott, the father of our subject, was the eldest of five children. In 1837 he became of age, and about this time married Miss Elizabeth Denby, who was a native of Yorkshire, England, and daughter of Thomas Denby, and sister of Thomas Denby, Jr. (For a fuller family biography, see sketch of Thomas Denby, Jr.)

Elizabeth Scott was yet quite young when her parents arrived in this county, and she lived here continuously until her death, which occurred in 1878, and left behind her the record which attaches to a good and intelligent woman. She was sincerely mourned by all her acquaintances, and died in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John Scott died at his home, April 16, 1863. He was born Oct. 22, 1816, and was a very successful man of affairs, and a worthy citizen. He was a Methodist, and took great interest in his Church. John Scott and wife had nine children _ seven sons and two daughters. John E. is the fourth son and fourth child. Of the family, six are living, and all are married.

John E. Scott was reared and educated in the township where he now lives, gaining his education in the common schools. He was married here to Miss Agnes M. Allen, who was born in Jacksonville, Ill., June 21, 1856. She is the daughter of Peter F. and Jane P. (Dunlap) Allen, who were natives of Scotland, and there were married, and their first child was also born there. When they came to the United States they settled in this county, and have always lived either at Jacksonville or their present home, on a farm, which is situated in township 14, range 11. They have had eight children, two now deceased. Mrs. Scott was the third child of the family, and was well and intelligently trained from childhood up. She is the mother of three children _ Bessie D., Della M. and Allen E.

Since marriage Mr. and Mrs. Scott have lived at their present home, and here they enjoy life as those do who are conscious of well_doing. Mrs. Scott is a member of the Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church, while Mr. Scott, politically, is a sound Democrat.

JAMES F. SELF, a resident of township 14, range 10, has for years been pursuing the even tenor of his way at a comfortable homestead on section 27. He is yet in the prime of life, having been born Jan. 27, 1843, and is native of this county, his birthplace being north of Jacksonville, where he spent his early life upon the farm which was his father's old homestead. The latter, James H. Self, was a native of Fayette County, Ky., and married Miss Sarah A. Abraham, who was born in Lexington County, that State. After marriage they came to Illinois, settling upon the land which their son, James F., now occupies, and where they lived about five years. They then changed their residence to Greene County, this State, where they sojourned two years, then returned to this county and located east of Woodson, and there the father died April 2, 1884; the mother is still living.

To the parents of our subject there were born twelve children of whom he was the third. His early life passed uneventfully in attendance at the common school and assisting his parents in the various employments of the farm. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, however, his thoughts were turned in an entirely new direction, and after watching the conflict a few months he decided to proffer his services to assist in the preservation of the Union. He enlisted in Company B. 10th Illinois Infantry, Feb. 10, 1862, but in less than a year, greatly to his disappointment, was obliged to accept his discharge, in March, 1863, on account of disability. He had, however, met the enemy in battle in some of the most important engagements of that year, fought by the army, being at the siege of Corinth in the spring of 1862, and the second battle there in the October following.

He was also at New Madrid, and assisted in the capture of the prisoners at Tiptonville, Tenn., who had escaped from Island No. 10. He endured his full share of the privation and hardship of army life, and retired with the satisfaction of feeling that as far as he was able, he had performed his duty as an American Citizen.

Upon receiving his honorable discharge Mr. Self returned to his old home in this county where he has since remained. His farm includes 100 acres of good land with fair improvements, and where he has a comfortable home comparatively free from care and wholly free from want. He was married June 13, 1866, in township 14, north of Woodson, to Miss Mary J. Snelling who was born in Jacksonville June 3, 1844. Mrs. Self was the youngest of four children, the offspring of Aquilla and Elizabeth (McAllister) Snelling, who are now both deceased.

To Mr. and Mrs. Self there were born three children: William H., Luella and Laura A. The latter died at the age of eight years, and Mrs. Mary (Snelling) Self departed this life at the homestead Jan. 2, 1877. Mrs. Self was a lady posing all the Christian virtues, a devoted wife and mother, a kind friend and neighbor, and respected by all who knew her. She was a member in good standing of the Christian Church, and her name is held in kindly remembrance by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Self, politically, is a Democrat, and has held the offices of School Director and Constable. Socially, he belongs to Watson Post No. 420, G.A.R. at Murrayville, and is also a member of Murrayville Lodge No. 432, A.F. & A.M.

JACKSON SEYMOUR was born Dec. 9, 1822, and is a native of Person County, N. C., where he lived until March 1, 1829. On that date his parents, uncle and aunt, and seven children, all started for Morgan County, arriving in Franklin, Ill., May 10, 1829, after a journey of nine weeks' duration.

John Seymour, the father of Jackson Seymour, was married to Sarah O'Brien, the date of which event is unrecorded. He traces his ancestry to England and the North of Ireland. He was the father of nine children, a record of whom is herewith given: Agnes married John H. Austin of North Carolina, who is a Methodist minister, and is now living in Montgomery County, Ill.; they have had four children, one daughter who is at home, while Martha married Mr. Fishback, of Waverly, this State. Carlin and Charles are in Piatt County, Ill. Robert was married twice, his first wife being Sarah A. Burch, a native of Kentucky, and by this union there are four children living - James P., Serilda Emma, Alice, and Wilmouth J. Robert's second wife's maiden name was Mary E. Wright, of Waverly, Ill.; they are now living in Morgan County. Jared married Hannah Sturgis, of Illinois, and of this marriage there are two children, henry and Wilbourn. She died not many years after her marriage. Jared's second wife's maiden name was Emeline McCurley, a native of this county. Seven children were born of this marriage - Charles, Lizzie, Julia Minnie, Thomas, Leslie, Harry, and an infant. He is now residing in Edgar, Neb., where he is engaged in farming. Edward married Annie Spires of Morgan County; they have six children - Sylvester, Nettie, Jane, Oliver, Sarah, and May; Mary married John Hutchinson, who is a miller at Waverly, Ill.; they have the following children - Jane, Maggie, and Julia, Clara, Leona, John, Kate; George W. married Hannah Seymour, of Morgan County. He is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; eight children were born to them - William, Lillie, Alvy, George, Lemuel, Dolly, Walter, and Robert; Henry married Amanda Burch, a native of Illinois; they are now in Kansas, engaged in farming, and have one child, Minnie. Millie married a Mr. Woodmansee, of Waverly, Ill. Now deceased.

Jackson Seymour, of whom we write, was married to Elizabeth Dalton; her people came from Lexington, Ky., before Illinois became a state. Her father was a brick maker, and it is recorded that the Indians made his brick yard a place of rendezvous and shelter. He helped to erect the first brick building in St. Louis, Mo., by working thereon at his trade, that of brick mason. There have been six children born to Mr. Seymour, the subject of this sketch, whose names are: Isom, Mary E., John W., Millie A., Edward F., and Julia K. Isom married Mary Duncan, of Franklin, Ill., and is now farming in Morgan County; they have seven children. Mary A. is unmarried, and is living at the old homestead, while John W. is also at home; Millie married James H. Roberts, a farmer of Morgan County, and they have one child, Grace; Edward T. married Mary Woods; they are farming in Morgan County, and have one child, Lora. Julia K. married William E. Wright, who is engaged in farming in the same county; Thurman is their only child.

Mr. Seymour is a typical self-made man, and is one who is ever alive to the interests of the community in which he lives, and his reputation is an enviable one among his neighbors. He commenced his career after arriving at manhood, by laboring on a farm for monthly wages. After his marriage he purchased a farm containing fifty-four acres, and by sheer force of industry, backed by a good business head, he has added to his small beginning until he is now the owner of what would be called in European countries, a vast domain. His 601 acres of land are well improved, and upon which are erected buildings that are in keeping with this grand farm. He is employed in raising cattle, horses, hogs, and grain.

Mr. Seymour, in company with the rest of his family, is a member fo the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he has held the office of Trustee in that organization. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has never sought office. He has been frequently called upon to act as a Grand and Petit juror. Morgan County has no better citizen than Jackson Seymour.

JOSEPH K. SHARPE. The residence of this gentleman in the city of Jacksonville, dates from the year 1865. His business connections have been chiefly in the lumber trade. For the past ten years he has been much interested in farming in addition thereto. Mr. Sharpe was born in Pike County, Ill., in 1842, and is the son of A. P. and Fanny (Hutchins) Sharpe, who were highly respected citizens of Pike County, to which they removed from Putnam, Windom Co., Conn., in the year 1837. They celebrated their golden wedding in September, 1887. The subject of this writing was married on the 15th of September, 1865, at Griggsville, being then allied to Miss Martha D. Gibbs, the daughter of Charles F. and Elizabeth E. Gibbs, of Griggsville, Ill., and natives of Kentucky. Of this union there have been born nine children, whose names are: Gertrude E., Helen, Ruby May, Fannie, Joseph K., Arthur Frank, Edith, Josephine M., and William K. In May, 1862, Mr. Sharpe enlisted in Company B, 68th Illinois Infantry, and served until October of the same year. He was chiefly occupied in guard duty, but was in active service at the second battle of Bull Run. He was mustered out at the expiration of his term of service, and received his discharge at Springfield, Ill.

The first efforts of our subject in the work of making his own way in the world was in the direction of school teaching, which he commenced shortly after his graduation from the High School at Griggsville, this State. After following this profession for two years, he began trading in stock, continuing successfully engaged in that direction until he came to Jacksonville to engage in the lumber business with J. S. & G. S. Russel, in which connection he continued for twenty-two and one-half years.

In 1879, Mr. Sharpe and his brother Fred became the owners and operators of a finely improved and well-stocked farm about 220 acres in extent; under the firm name of J. K. & F. L. Sharpe. On the first of March, 1888, the full control and sole management of the farm will pass into the hands of the senior member of the firm, and Mr. Sharpe will then give his whole time and attention to it.

The subject of our sketch is one who has been successful in life from a financial standpoint. This is evidenced by the beautiful home he has been enabled to provide and sustain for his family in the western part of the city. In the various social organizations Mr. Sharpe is well and favorably known, being a member of the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., and the G.A.R. He is also a retired member of the Knights of Honor. His father was a strong Abolitionist, and was active in what was known as "the underground railroad." Our subject is a stalwart Republican. He is very positive in his position, and at all times ready to engage actively on behalf of the party.

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