1824 Morgan County Voter List
Morgan County Voter List
Contributed by Rebecca Lipe
This list, for an election held 2 Aug 1824, comprises 482 names in 4 precincts.
Center Precinct (Ce), 171 names; |
Diamond Grove Precinct (Dg), 133 names |
Indian Creek Precinct (Ic), 95 names; |
Mauvaisterre Precinct (Mt), 83 names. |
Four pages, alphabetical.
**Page 1**
Abby, Lemuel Mt Backus, Marvin Mt Brown, Elam Ce
Adams, Jacob Dg Baker, John Mt Buchanan, Alexander Dg
Adams, John Dg Baley, Abraham Mt Buchanan, Benjamin Dg
Afflick, Thos.B. CE Ball, Strother Ic Buchanan, Jeremiah Mt
Allen, Samuel Ce Bannion, Evin O. Ic Buchanan, John Dg
Allen, T. Ce Basey, Joseph J. Ic Buchanan, Joseph Dg
Allison, Thomas Ce Beak (see Peak) Buchanan, Moses Mt
Anderson, Jacob Mt Beall, Alexander Ce Buckley, James Ce
Anderson, John Dg Bedwell, George Ce Bupard, Andrew Mt
Anderson, Wm. (see Beebe, Chauncey Ce Burrows, Stephen Mt
Williams, Anderson) Bellamy, Jesse Ce Butler, Nathan Dg
Andrews, Ira Mt Bennett, Issac R. Ic Cadwell, Abijah Ce
Angele, John Ce Bentley, Thomas Ce Cadwell, Curtis Ce
Antle, Michael Dg Bergen, George L. Ic Cadwell, George Ce
Apple, John Ce Bergen, Jonathan Ic Camp, George Mt
Armstrong, Andrew Ic Berry, Samuel Ce Carlock, Moses Ce
Armstrong, Wm. Ic Bogart, Samuel Ce Carpenter, Alfred Ce
Arnett, Andrew Dg Bowyer, Jacob Dg Carter, John Ic
Arnett, John Ce Box, John Ic Carter, Joseph R. Ic
Arnett, Thomas Ic Box, Stephen Ic Case, Josiah H. Ic
Arnett, Thos. B. Ce Bradshaw, John Dg Case, Lynden Ic
Arnold, Randal Mt Brasel, David Ce Casebier, David Ic
Asher, William Ic Bratten, Paul Ce Casteel, Abraham Dg
Askens, Westley Ce Brazill, Richard Ic Castlebury, Jacob Ce
Atchison, John Mt Brice, James Ic Cave, James Dg
Ausemus, John Mt Briges, John Ic Chandler, Erve Dg
Ausemus, John Ce Bristow, George Ic Clanton, Edward Mt
Ausemus, Peter Ce Bristow, Samuel Ce Clark, Benjamin Ic
Ausemus, Philip Ce Broadwell, Baxter Dg Clark, Benjamin Ce
Autle (see Antle) Broadwell, Charles CE Clark, John Ic
Aylesworth, Philip Dg Brown, Cornelius Ce Clark, Thomas P. Ce
**Page 2**
Clarkson, Aquilla Mt Eddy, Horatio Ce Herring, Lewis Ce
Clarkson, Constant Ce Edwards, Lorenzo Ce Hibbard, Davidson Ce
Clemmons, Ezekiel Mt Elledge, Francis Ce Hill, Thomas Ce
Coddington, Joseph Dg Elledge, William Ce Hills, George S. Mt
Cogbourn, Zachariah Ic Ellison, Andrew Ce Hodg, Ebenezer Dg
Coker, Claborn Dg England, John Ic Hogan, Daniel Ic
Coker, Dennis Dg Ennis, Jesse Dg Holaday, Moses Ic
Cole, George Ic Ennis, William Dg Holiday, James Ce
Cole, Joseph Ic Fahnestock,Henry Mt Holmes, Palmer Dg
Cole, Robert Dg Fairfield, Jos. M. Mt Holmes, Pierce Dg
Compton, Edward L. Ce Ferguson (see Furguson) Hooker, Ira A. Ce
Conaway, Hugh Dg Findley, Moses Dg Horrell (see Herrell)
Cooling, Thomas Ic French, Felix Dg Huddleston, Samuel M. Ce
Coonrod, Adam Mt French, James Ce Hudspeth, Ralph Ic
Coonrod, George Mt French, Leoffard Ce Huffaker, Michael Dg
Coonrod, William Mt Fuller, Alvin Ce Humphrey, Richard W. Ic
Cooper, William Ic Furguson, John Ce Humphreys, Samuel Ce
Cowhick, Thomas Ce Gest, Nathan H. Dg Humphreys, Samuel Ce
Cownover, Levi P. Ic Gillham, James Ce Jackson, William Dg
Cownover, Peter Ic Gilliland, Thos. Dg James, Rober Ce
Cox, Alexander D. Dg Gish, Samuel Dg Jarred, William Dg
Cox, Ansel Dg Gish, William Ce Jenkins, James Ic
Cox, Armistead Ic Gordon, William Ce Jenkins, Job Ic
Cox, Issac Ce Greaton, John Ce Jewitt, Isaac Ce
Cox, John Ic Green, James Dg Job, Archibald Dg
Cox, Joseph Ic Green, John Dg Johnson, Abraham Ce
Cox, Micajah Ce Green, Willie B.? Ce Johnson, Isaac Ce
Cox, Thomas J. Ic Grider, Martin Dg Johnson, John Dg
Cox, William Ic Griffin, William Mt Johnson, Otis Mt
Crabtree, Richard DG Hackett, George Dg Jones, Caleb Ce
Crow, Joshua Ic Hall, Aquilla Ic Jones, Richard Ic
Crow, William Ic Hamby, Nathaniel Ic Jones, Samuel B. Ce
Curtis, George Dg Hamby, Samuel Ic Jones, Stephen Dg
Davis, James Ic Hamby, Wm. S. Ic Jordan, James Ce
Davis, Joshua Ce Hamilton, Adam Mt Jordan, Wm. S. Dg
Davis, Morris Ic Hamilton, George Ic Kellner, Henry Ic
Deaton, James Ce Hamilton, John Mt Kellogg, Elisha Ce
Deaton, James Jr. Ce Hardwick, Rice Ce Kerr, James Dg
Deaton, Levi Ce Harris, Nathan Mt Keys, Samuel Mt
Delaplane, Benjamin Ce Harvil, Squire Mt Kinkead, Samuel Ce
Densmore, Daniel Ce Hatcher, James Ce Kitchen, Charles Dg
Densmore, Josephas Ce Havens, Newman L. Mt Klein, Joseph Dg
Dewitt, Abram B. Ce Hawks, Joseph Ce Knight, Enos Mt
Dial, Isaac Ce Hawks, Robert Ce Lackey, Thomas Mt
Dial, Martin Ce Hays, William Dg Langworthy, Jas. L. Ce
Dogherty, J. H. Ic Henry, Elisha Ce Langworthy, Stephen Ce
Donaldson, William Ic Henry, Francis Ce Lankford, Jesse Mt
Draper, Samuel Mt Henry, Robert Ce Larkins, Edward Mt
Duff, Hiram Dg Hern, James Ce Laughary, John Ce
Duncan, Rice Dg Herrell, Charles W. Ce Lee, Samuel Jr. Dg
Dyer, William Dg
**Page 3**
Lee, William Ce Moss, Matthew Ce Reves, Isaac Dg
Leeper, John Ic Moss, William L. Ce Richards, Danice Ce
Leib, Daniel Ce Mullen, Patrick Ic Richards, George M. Ce
Linsey, Allen F. Ic Murphy, Stephen Ce Richards, Guy P. Mt
Linsey, Allen Q. Ic Nash, Moses Ce Richardson, Abel Dg
Linsey, Leftrige B. Ic Nash, Stephen Ce Richardson, Daniel Dg
Linsey, Sandy Ic Nelson, Joel Ic Richardson, Issac Dg
Loring, Wheeler New, Anthony Mt Riding, E. W. Ic
(see Wheeler) New, James Mt Rixford, Samuel Ce
Low, Aquilla Ce New, James Mt Roach, John Ic
Lund, Alwer Ic Newal, Thomas Mt Robertson, Aaron Ic
Luttrell, Lot Dg Newman, Levi Ce Robertson, Israel Ic
Luttrell, Thomas Dg Norris, Thomas Mt Robertson, Joel Ic
Luttrell, William Dg O'bannion (see Bannion) Robertson, John Ic
Lynch, Patrick Ce Olmstead, Stephen Ce Robertson, Peter Ic
McAdams, Samuel Ce Orr, John Dg Robertson, Samuel Ic
McConnell, Murray Ce Osborn, Solomon Dg Robinson, Alexander Dg
McDaniel, Daniel Dg Palmer, Edward Ce Robinson, Beverly Dg
McDow, Robert Ce Palmer, James Ce Robinson, William Ce
McDowell, Nelson Dg Patton, Andrew V. Ic Robley, Henry Dg
McGill, James Dg Peak, John Ce Rockwell, Dennis Ce
McMurry, William Dg Peak, Samuel Ce Rouse, Isaac M. Ce
McNary, Alexander Mt Pennington, Riggs Dg Rubel, Jesse Dg
McNary, James Ce Perkins, Solomon Ic Rusk, John Dg
Mallary, Elisha Mt Peter, James Dg Rutherford, Wm. G. Dg
March, Enoch C. Ce Petre, Francis Dg Ruyle, John Dg
Marks, David Ce Piearcy, John Ce Sage, William Ic
Maston, Joseph Dg Pierce, Joseph Mt Sales, John L. Dg
Matthews, Andrew Dg Pierce, Stephen Mt Samples, Andrew Dg
Matthews, Daniel Ic Pike, Daniel Mt Samples, John Dg
Matthews, Edward Ce Piper, John Mt Samples, William Dg
Matthews, Moses Ce Piper, Jonathan Mt Sandifer, Littleton Ce
Matthews, Richard Dg Plaster, John Ce Savage, John Ce
Matthews, Samuel Dg Porter, Joseph Ic Savage, Peter Ce
Meacham, Joel Ce Porter, Roddy Ic Scott, James Ce
Miller, Adam Ce Pruitt, Fields Ce Scott, James Dg
Miller, Alfred Mt Pruitt, Joseph Ce Scott, John Ce
Miller, John Dg Ray, David Ce Scott, John Dg
Miller, William Mt Redding, Jacob Dg Scott, Levi Dg
Miller, William Ic Redding, James Dg Scott, Samuel Dg
Mills, Alfred Mt Redfern, John Dg Scott, William Dg
Mills, James Sr. Mt Redman, James Dg Shartzer, Benjamin Ce
Mills, James Jr. Mt Reed, Andrew Ce Shelby, David Ce
Millstead, Joseph Ce Reed, Joseph Ic Shelly, Abel Mt
Mines, Samuel Mt Reed, Zebulon Mt Shelly, Ira Mt
Mise, David Mt Reeder, Amos Ce Shelly, Joseph Mt
Morgan, Robart Mt Reeves, Joel Ce Shelton, Johnston Dg
Morris, John B. Mt Reeves, John Ce Shephard, John Dg
Morris, Stanton Mt Reeves, Lazarus Ce Shephard, Peter Dg
Morris, Thomas DG Reeves (see Reves) Shephard, Rowland Ic
Morrison, Jas. D. Mt Repshire, John Ce Shephard, Samuel Ce
**Page 4**
Sheroon, William Mt Sweet, Alvey Dg Welch, Morris Mt
Shibe, Casper Dg Sweet, Jonathan Dg Wells, Alexander Ce
Short, James Ic Sweet, Joseph Dg Westrope, Abner Ce
Sims, Josiah Ic Sweet, Pelig Dg Westrope, John Ce
Sims, William Ic Sweet, Robert Ce Wheeler, Loring Mt
Slatten, Joseph Dg Swinerton, Jas. G. Ic White, Jacob Ic
Slayton, George Dg Switzer, John Mt Whiteside, Jas. H. Mt
Smart, Bennet Ce Taber, Henry Dg Whitley, Alexander Mt
Smart, Josiah H. Ce Taber, John Dg Whitley, Alex. Jr. Mt
Smith, Chauncey Dg Taber, Robert Dg Whitley, Elisha Dg
Smith, John Ce Taber, William Dg Whitley, Samuel Ce
Smith, John Dg Taylor, H. G. ? Dg Williams, Anderson Mt
Smith, John Mt Tayor, James Dg Williams, Elias Ce
Smith, John R. Ic Tefft, David Dg Williams, John Mt
Smith, Marshal Mt Tefft, John P. Dg Wilson, Aaron Ce
Smith, Peter Ce Tefft, Royal Dg Winters, Nathan Ce
Smith, Younger Ic Terry, John B. ? Mt Wiswall, Elijah Ce
Southerland, Joslin Mt Thomas, Anthony Dg Wiswall, James Ce
Spencer, Francis Ce Ticknor, Olney Ce Wiswall, Noah Ce
Spencer, Stephen W. DG Troy, Charles Cd Wiswall, Thomas Ce
Sprague, Joshua Mt Troy, Daniel Ce Wollom, Absolem Dg
Stanfield, Samuel Vance, Abraham Dg Wollom, Thomas Dg
Stanley, Josiah Vance, James Ic Wood, James Ce
Stanley, Noble Ce Vance, William Ic Wood, John Ic
Stanton, Morris VanGrundy,? David Mt Wyatt, John Dg
(see Morris) Vary, William C. Ce Wyatt, William Dg
Stillwell, Absolem Dg Waddle, Obediah Ce Yaples, Jacob Ic
Stockton, David Wadsworth, John C. Mt Yaples, John Ic
Stockton, James Mt Wasson, Joseph Ce York, William Dg
Stockton, William Mt Webster, James Mt York, William K. Ce
Stubbins, Chris. B. Dg Webster, Jedolyer Mt Young, Jonathan Ce
Summers, Wm. Sr. Ic Webster, Joseph Mt
Summers, Wm. Jr. Ic
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